Facebook Messenger will become the largest marketing channel in the next 5 years. How will you take advantage of this amazing opportunity?

With Messenger Magnet we magnetize the Facebook Messenger on your business page to bring in leads, assist with customer service, promote to both new and existing customers, conduct market research, segment audiences…and much more! The possibilities and uses for Messenger Magnet are virtually endless!

When we combine Facebook Messenger with technologies like Mobile Wallets and third-party solutions such as email automation applications, websites, CRM applications, or spreadsheets the ability to collect data and continually connect with the customer and offer promotions becomes even more exciting.

Facebook messenger is rapidly becoming the quickest – and least expensive – way to get in front of your customer….in the palm of their hand.

Users average 50 minutes per day on Facebook, Messenger and Instagram.
The average open rate of Messenger messages is 88%
Studies show that Messenger has an average click-through rate of an astonishing 56%
In-store mobile payments will reach $503 billion by 2020
The number of in-store mobile payment users in the US is predicted to reach 150 million by the end of 2020
In the US in 2016, there were 232 million smartphones in use, 16.5% of those were used to make a contactless payment.

I want more Leads! Show Me How it Works!

Check out two of our demos below!

We can create bots for virtually any type of business!

Here’s how Messenger Magnet can magnetize your messenger!

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    Connect with your Customers 24/7: Engage with your customers around the clock without adding personnel to the bottom line

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    Introduce Promotions: Promote sales, loyalty programs, special offers, secret deals and more through messenger as well as outside of messenger through mobile wallets.

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    Show off your goods: Integrate images and video to show customers exactly what you offer – menu items, home listings, ecommerce products, services and more.

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    Book appointments or make reservations: Connect with appointment and reservation systems to enable users to book without human interaction.

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    Automated Conversations: Deliver messaging sequences based on user responses – either using specific answers or by recognizing pre-determined keywords. Unlike email, Messenger stores the entire conversation, creating a closer engagement with the user.

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    Sales Funnels: Create an entire sales funnel within Messenger! You can drive the entire sales process from first engagement through the closed sale and payment acceptance

Get Your Share of 1.7 Billion Customers

Number of monthly active Facebook users worldwide as of 2nd quarter 2016, Statista.com

Sources: Marketing Land, Stastica, WorldPay, Pure Funds, Pew Charitable Trusts, BI Intelligence, Mobile Payments World, Juniper Research, Transparency Market Research, Financial Times.